We all know that sometimes, things get lost in text translation…
And if you are like me, you may or may not use emojis every now and then to help you express yourself (okay, okay I admit it: I use emojis often. Very often).
Now that I have opened up the vulnerability vault, let’s all admit something together: at some point in our lives, we have each received an emoji in a text that we did not know how to translate. Well, it’s time to release the shame from your [phone] game: I’m here to help make sure the lines of communication are open, and that we are all on the same page about these emotional symbols. If you’ve ever gotten an emoji and wondered what it really means, this one goes out to you.
Below, please find your personal cheat guide (complete with pictures) for all those…emotions:
So absolutely cute!!! I miss this so much. I’m so glad you’re back to blogging. This was so funny and entertaining to read. It was also very educational. You actually should write a book.